On May 17, 2013, Kim Peretti will serve as planning chair and Todd McClelland will be a featured speaker in the program entitled “The Top Five Data Security Threats in 2013: Knowing and Understanding the Legal Risks,” by ALI-CLE. Data security remains the elephant in the room for many corporate legal departments, law firms and outside counsel. Everyone knows data security concern is warranted, but many still do not entirely comprehend the risks, what resources are needed to protect against them, or how to handle liabilities resulting from breaches. Moreover, even if you appreciate the legal aspects of your data security needs, you may struggle to keep your policies and procedures current because of rapid changes in technology.
The following topics will be discussed during the program.
- National cyber security concerns
- Evolving cyber threat landscape
- Mobile devices in the workplace (BYOD)
- Data security in the cloud
- Employee training and awareness